Custom Order for Tasha Packer


Out of stock



10.5 x 6.5 Arch $599 (please use mostly the bridal bouquet) full of flowers

(2) 4×4 Blocks $398 (One of the small squares is for my mother in law who would like to use flowers from the boutonniere if possible (but honestly of other flowers are included she won’t know the difference).

Total $997

Minus gift cards : -$250

K4SB-YNX3-2XUG-Z4VM ($50) FWX8-ETAL-AB9D-J3SK ($100) WGPZ-DP99-GQLL-5GHE ($100)

Minus $150 Reservation Deposit

Balance Due $597




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“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” Isaiah 35:1